Wednesday, July 31, 2019

No Zero Policy Essay

In most schools in many states, teachers and parents consider a grade of zero acceptable for incomplete homework. It is common for teachers to give zeros for late or slacked off assignments. Unfortunately, few teachers or parents question the usefulness of the consequence, and students continue to reap the consequences without benefit. Giving zeros as an punished measurement produces failure rather than performance. Administrators conjure up the fact that raising questions about grading procedures could induce powerful emotional responses from all the teachers. Even when school policies exist, teachers often deviate from the prescribed standard to reflect the teacher’s personal preferences for evaluating students. Grading policies usually develop from teachers’ personal school experiences without questioning or considering the validity of the process. Most teachers agree that grades are a measurement of learning and should reflect the effort of the student rather than the knowledge. However, many grading policies promise zeros for things like not doing homework, having incomplete or late assignments, being tardy, coming to class without books, chewing gum, or failing to follow through with any other required classroom rules. Unfortunately, many teachers combine behavior issues with a students’ academic measurement. Giving zeros for behavior issues is an inaccurate reflection of the student’s academic performance. Academic measurement should only measure learning. A zero is a mathematically imbalanced measurement as the normal grading scale for most school. Conant using the unbalanced tipped scale for certain performance classes. Letter grades usually have a ten point range or less. For instance, A would be 90-100, B is 80-89, C is 70-79, D is 60-69. Using this method, an evaluation for an â€Å"F† should be F as 50-59. It is not required for the â€Å"F† to carry 59 points (0-59) while all other grades carry 10 points. An â€Å"A† averaged with an â€Å"F† should make a â€Å"C.† However, if the â€Å"A† is 100 and the â€Å"F† is 0, averaged they equal a 50 which is still an â€Å"F†. Teachers usually use zeros to motivate students to do better. However, zeros kill motivation. Two zeros, whether just or unjust, can destroy a good average. Zeros produce a sense of hopelessness and certain failure. Many students fail courses due to a lack of organizational abilities rather than defiance. When teachers give zeros for homework assigned for extra credit rather than for the actual learning process, they are using grades as a behavior punishment. Recording a failing grade for assignments not intended for the means of simple knowledge is not reasonable. Assigning zeros for homework issues is especially common for students with organizational issues and dysfunctional homes that lack parental support. The grade of a zero does not benefit the motivation of a child’s education. Students through laziness take zeros as an easy way out of doing the assignment. Students often avoid assignments like research papers, essays, and reports by taking a zero instead of doing the work. The student barely passes to the next grade without having gained these vital learning experiences. Students with organizational problems do not increase performance skills through the automatic zero. Neither does the automatic zero help students who do not understand the assignment gain the knowledge intended. In fact, the automatic zero threatens failure. Teachers need to use logical consequences rather than a full blown zero when work is not completed. There are several possible alternatives to giving a zero. The school can include tardiness and other behavior issues in its own discipline policy rather than in the grading system. If the teacher must give a failing grade, give a grade no more than ten points lower than the last passing grade to make the measurement equitable. The teacher can have a homework detention hall after school to help those who struggle with completing assignments. The student receives a grade of incomplete until the student completes major assignments such as research papers, essays, and reports. The final average for the term is recorded only when the assignments are all received and graded. The student cannot earn credit for the course until these valuable assignments are completed and turned in. A minimal passing grade would be appropriate for extremely late assignments. For many years teachers have followed grading procedures learned from their teachers without evaluating their effectiveness or appropriateness. Grades should measure academic learning not the slacking effort of the student, for they may have their reasons. Receiving a zero for not putting your name on a paper or failing to do homework does not reflect a student’s lack of knowledge. Zeros promote failure rather than the student gaining more knowledge. Three 100’s averaged with one zero gives a score of 75. The zero forces failure and is not an evenhanded measurement of learning. Anything that is inequitable is unjust. If it is unjust, it is unethical. Therefore, giving zeros as an academic measurement is not proper to the safe learning environment of High Schools.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Psychology and Pets Essay

When you are tired of stress from work, pets can encourage you to go out for a walk to release stress or play with you in the garden. Pets bring you some moments of relaxation and mind refreshment, which makes you never feel lonely even when you live with no one. It is obvious that pets can create new attitudes towards life for people, particularly for the disabled and withdrawn who are always not confident in communicating or taking part in social activities. By keeping pets, they may become more sociable, open and approachable because they can interact, â€Å"communicate† and play with their pets. Due to the advantages it offers, keeping pets becomes a popular, especially in Eastern countries, for the older generation, who often live far from their children. In these situations, pets are truly their close friends, helping them remove the feeling of emptiness and loneliness. The companionship of pets may meet some basic human needs, which is not easily explained in theory but is believed by most people. Pets guard houses and save people’s lives. In many cases, people choose to keep dogs for their home security. The houses will become safer because strangers might be scared that they will be attacked by the animals inside. When you are out and you leave your house empty, you do not have to worry that burglars may break into the house and take away valuable assets even when you return home at mid night. If there is any intruder or strange persons around your house, dogs will bark loudly, making a noise to frighten the stranger and give you a warning. Pets can protect not only the assets but also save people’s lives. Dogs and sometimes cats can attack the burglars to protect the owners in case they are harmed. Many owners can stay alive due to the protection from the dogs they keep in their houses. Pets enhance nice behavior among children Researchers showed that children who usually play with pets can behave nicely and become more caring. Playing with pets and learning how to treat them with love may help uncommunicative children be agile and affable, which is important for their growth in the distant future. Kids sometimes find no interest in getting outside, but they may alter their decisions immediately if they see that they can take a cat or a dog along. Teenagers, whose parents are too busy to spend time with them, sometimes have to face with bland lives and loneliness. In these scenarios, they consider pets to be their alter ego who they can play and talk with, which can solve some kind of emotional problems that children are vulnerable to get. It is believed that teaching kids to treat kittens and puppies with care and kindness is of great importance for forming their behaviors and characteristics. To sum up, keeping pets is not merely a habit but is one way of relaxation and amusement. Moreover, keeping pets does not only guard your house but also fulfills some basic mental human needs.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Assessing Conditions For Children With Need

Every nine out of ten kids living with disability have dropped school or they have not been in the school while approximately eighty percentages of all children with disability are in developed countries. Majority of these kids are not being included in school programs this is because of their statues such as ideological, physical or having communication barriers. Sometime kids have physical or intellectual impairment which may contribute to falling of kids to participate in social life and community life. For instance a kid at ages of 13 who lost a limb accidently, have lost legs due to polio or may have been born without limbs due to factors such as cerebral Passy they are regarded as disables in such scenario they cannot climb stairs  (Francis, 2015). Normally parent hold back kinds in their house or neighborhood and they cannot interact with other kids. These factors contribute to omitting these kids to join life in the community and hence cannot join family gatherings due to their statues.   Understanding that every kid is an individual, most people thick that best solution is do without or remove the impairments to enhance kid to walk again. Medical experts are often being consorted out. For instance doctors would operate on their bodies or they commend a special case of therapy to make their legs to function well again. They many things should be done to eradicate these perception and consequences even its impossible to heel threw impairments  (Tylor, 2001 ). School board should first asses’ kids who needs special needs education because most of the student gets good grade hence they needs special education and services while other don’t have a place to call home. Government should work hand in hand with special schools administration to offer these services. Most of the children at school witness challenges such as ranging from physical differences, not able to communicate and perception with behavior such as making of new friends these difficulties may be contributed by factors such as emotional problems, physical disorder, behavior problems and psychiatric disorder. Kinds with such special needs require or they must be entitled to special schools to receive such services and accommodation through government sponsor schools. It’s a basic right for every child to receive a free and appropriate education in a conducive environment  (Cole, 2008 ). In past years children with disability have been put in consideration that is hard but through the experience and research shows that most of them can be placed to most able families who may want them to either look after or educate them. For a guardian whom wants to adopt the kid one should focus on the key issues such as emotional, physical capability and availability of resources to be successful guardian  (Meltzer, 2010 ). This include serious health key condition of the kid heart defects, chronic conditions, asthma and diabetes   or other associated problem to the kid. Children with such health issues may require special and numerous tests, expensive materials, and special accommodation. Family responsible to adopting this kid should be prepared to face these crises with certainty. With kids who have behavior words they do not resound to previous adherences. For those diagnosed with effects such as ADHD, fetal  Ã‚   alcohol spectrum dis order most require special initials which are mandated to be specific abilities and disabilities. If the plans are not inclusive issues to contribute to disagreements and thus prompting to risk of children school problems. Parent are advised to be more flexible while ate the same time be more creative to adopt these kids. In development stages is the one the most overwhelming to the family in dealing in changing of the visions and the future by providing education and be caring. Having a defect such as autism or mental retardation often contribute for kids to be withheld in the majority, parent should demands and then make sure kids receive the services such as therapy, schooling which they require and they deserve. Most kids with learning deformity like central auditory processing disorder are noted to be struggling with assignments regardless of their ability hence they requires special learning facilities in order to meet their possible   and improve self-esteem issues and other behavioral challenges. Guardians of such kids should be insistent in both working averse learners and school should provide them with these kinds of needs. Children with anxiety can sneak from their guardians and living or staying with such kind of kids with mental issues can facilitate members to panic or have crises or defiance’s. Guardians have to find a well trained professional to help and make decisions on the best therapy, medications or if need of hospitalizations. The results of luck of knowledge can result to wrong guesses which can be significant. Even though parents do not take time to adopt any assistance issues they are not aware of hardship is on raising a kid with disability. Investigation of the student strength is key issues such as looking the grades of previous exams and records. Fill out the strength data shit on the progress of the kid. Discuss with the special needs student what his or her likes are. Assess what they are most interested in such as what they feel they are good at and what are the objectives of their education. Associate the kids with positive role models who will mentor them on how other person with disability got successful in life. These will motivate the kids in such ways that if such person made it to the top, even I can make it to the top. Illustrators are advised to come up with subjects or units with titles such as â€Å"people living disability who made it† Once the student strength are identified it is best to design a way to utilize those abilities, if for instance the kid is good in drawing but has an issue on reading then if a student is good in singing he or she should be propelled on how to use different music equipment’s. On the hand if a kid shows capacity of knitting but does not know the place value should encourage kids to knit at least ten to fifteen roes per day. There numerous ways which can be used on combing strength of kids and illustrators work in order to achieve learning objectives. The layout of the classroom may help or hinders learning of the kid but most illustrators can change their class room depending on the efficiency of reaching the students movements. Kids with special needs to be seated next to the tutor or close to chalk board if they have eyesight problems. Tutors are advice to arrange classroom in manner that kids with these challenges can be able to move across easily especially if some have visual problems or they have issues on mobility. Desk and tables should be arranged in groups so they can ease work force of the kids to work together and help each other. Display charts and posters should pin on the same level with eyes of the kid but rather not to mush high. Addition of texture and other and other real objects used in touching will help kids with visual defects. Lesson planning makes teaching to be more effective and efficient, to plan a lesson as tutor one should focuses on setting a class in context and timely manner tis will enhance to be able to adjust lessons and distribute work to the kids depending on their abilities, interest and motivations. Associating kids on their daily work will enable them to understand subject easily in such scenario when learning about the measurements kids can find out other heights. It is advisable to use real objects and visual aids. Group work should be encouraged since it facilitates participation of learners and enhance responses and other feelings. While handling special needs children one have to give them a lesson that relates to their deformities otherwise any lesson should all the activities. In an example a student who is perfect in ADHD who enjoys adrenaline which thrives a stimulation compound such kids should be exposed in jobs such a fire fighting jobs. Kids with learning issues who can demons trate that they are good in art they might as well join as graphic designer or artist. Tutors needs to bear in minds needs planning their lessons one of the instances is to have an individual work plans for every person, it should well know that individuals plans which can   be complemented to ensure that learning outcomes   have been achieved. The blueprint should be explained and consultation with both guardian and children’s. Guardians must be given a copy of descriptive plan. Use of assistive media and technologies Doing research on applications on the store which can be used to help the kid to cope with challenges, such as universal learning tools where a student in scenario of not good in writing but very good in speech to text programs thus help the kid to speak to the machine and as well the computer will generate words in writing thus helping the kid to be able to learn. Kids with autism who often love iPod but has difficulty in encoding information can be taught on how use other argumentative communication applications, kids will normally click the buttons and then they can synthesize the sounds. Tutors are advice to arrange classroom in manner that kids with these challenges can be able to move across easily especially if some have visual problems or they have issues on mobility. Desk and tables should be arranged in groups so they can ease work force of the kids to work together and help each other. Majority of the student with special needs have no idea of themselves as working employees in the future or they negatively look down themselves. Encouragement advices and lecture should be done helping them and make connections with their strength and the requirements of the specific jobs in their careers. In an example a student who is perfect in ADHD who enjoys adrenaline which thrives a stimulation compound such kids should be exposed in jobs such a fire fighting jobs. Kids with learning issues who can demonstrate that they are good in art they might as well join as graphic designer or artist. Creation of good learning environment This involves well design of classrooms which distinguish them depending on their strength by proving kids with such as ADHD who can learn by rolling with ball hence jiggle around while still completing homework. In case a student diagnosed with Down syndrome who basically enjoys mimic others an instructor should be guided to build a puppet theater which can work to help the kid and have a positive feedback. A lot has been pointed concerning parents living with specials children acknowledging that disability or illness it is just the beginning of the journey at time s one feels overwhelmed by the challenges of the associates and out of the strength of the emotion. One may feel alone or isolated even though they are many supporters while some relatives may invaluable in terms of source of helping information. Most of the services are provided by the public agencies that can assist the entire family. Campaigns and talks should be done to the parents who have special children to communicate to each other on the issues and seek assistance where needed. Forlin, C. (2010).  Teacher education for inclusion: Changing paradigms and innovative approaches. London: Routledge. Andrew Pollard, ‎. C. (2005). Reflective Teaching. Cole, R. W. (2008 ). Educating Everybody's Children: fo. Diverse Teaching Strategies. Davis, B. G. (2009). Tools for Teaching. Francis, T. &. (11 Feb 2015). Cross-Curricular Teaching in the Primary School. Gay, G. (2010 ). Culturally Responsive Teaching: . Theory, Research, and Practice. Global, F. K. (n.d.). How to Teach Now: . Five Keys to Personalized Learning in the Global. Hargreaves, A. (2003). Teaching in the Knowledge Society: Education in the Age of Insecurity. Jim Walters, ‎. F. (2007). Managing Classroom Behavior and Discipline. ‎Shelly Frei. Learning, U. D. (2012). Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age. Universal Design for Learning. Meltzer, L. (2010 ). Promoting Executive Function in the Classroom. Morrison, G. S. (2017). Early Childhood Education Today. Peter F. Oliva, ‎. R. (2012 ). Developing the Curriculum. Roger Pierangelo, ‎. G. ( 2008 ). Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities. Roger Pierangelo, ‎. G. (2008 ). Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities. Thomas J. Sergiovanni, ‎. L. (2014 ). The Principalship: A Reflective Practice Perspective. Tylor, A. (2001 ). Current Index to Journals in Education. Oryx Press, . Getting academic assistance from

Explore strategies that nurses can adopt to challenge practice in Essay

Explore strategies that nurses can adopt to challenge practice in relation to the care of older people .Challenging Practice, S - Essay Example Within the healthcare sector, the care of older adults is often filled with discriminatory practices, mostly in relation to the fact that they are no longer productive members of society and that their life expectancy is low (Katz,, 2012). It is therefore common to witness the negative approaches that healthcare givers manifest towards older adults. The government through the Department of Health also believes that these patients are too old to engage in health promotion strategies (NMC, 2008). In general therefore, these older adults are often subjected to abuse in the health care system. Under these conditions, I have discovered the importance of reporting the abuse and neglect of these patients. This topic shall assess strategies that nurses can adopt in order to challenge practice in relation to the care of older people. I chose this topic because I want to increase my knowledge in effective ways, to challenge the practice and in turn, improve the services offered to these patients. Health inequalities include age discrimination, budget cuts for older adult care, neglect, as well as not being treated with dignity and respect (NMC, 2008). The Nursing and Midwifery Code (2008) specifies that older adults must not be discriminated against in their healthcare; instead, they must be treated with dignity and respect. ... This paper shall now explore the strategies that nurses can adopt to challenge practice in relation to the care of older people. Body In the effective management of elderly adults, relevant leadership theories include the trait theory, situational-contingency theory, and the transformational theory (Taylor, 2009). The trait theory discusses how leaders are often born with the traits they need in order to be good and effective leaders. Moreover, this theory also suggests that there are specific personalities and behaviour which make the person a good leader (Taylor, 2009). Qualities like assertiveness, confidence, intelligence, as well as sociability are therefore essential skills allowing natural leaders to emerge (Curtis,, 2011). Leaders are born, according to the trait theory and specific behaviour and qualities in individuals are needed in order to ensure effective leadership (Curtis,, 2011). Another theory relevant in nursing leadership is the situational-contingenc y theory. Based on this theory, leaders evaluate specific situations and their actions would be based on these situations they face (Bolden,, 2003). Under these conditions, the situation, the leader, and the follower are part of the theory. For situational leadership, there is a recognition of the fact that there is no single type of leadership which can work for every situation or person, and that leadership is based on the specific qualities of the situation (Taylor, 2009). In some cases, an autocratic leadership may work well, especially under emergency conditions; however, in other instances, the more democratic style of leadership may work better. Finally, transformational theory may also apply

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Assignment Example K-Swiss chooses to use celebrities and athletes to target the market of consumers who are serious about performance in the sports they play. What they are basically saying to customers is something along the lines of â€Å"this high-performing athlete uses these specific shoes; therefore you should use them as well if you consider yourself a serious athlete.† The message that they convey over and over is that they produce top quality shoes and apparel for top quality athletes. Also, the Kenny Powers commercials are very funny and have an effect of increasing brand awareness because people that wouldn’t otherwise be interested in a product get to know about that product simply because they enjoy watching the humorous commercials. K-Swiss promotions could actually be seen as meeting all four types of Maloney’s rewards that a customer expects. Firstly, K-Swiss shoes are rational because they meet a need of athletes who desire high-performance as well as comfortable shoes. Secondly, the ability to customize colors makes them appeal to the senses and to the more casual buyer as well.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The 21st century obsession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The 21st century obsession - Essay Example To underline the importance of the social networks and media, we need to look at the instrumental role they played in the Egyptian revolution earlier this year (Douglas). With integrated features, social networking sites offer different ways to personalize ways in which individual share. However, while the benefits of the social networks cannot be overemphasized, there are many dangers associated with their use. Such dangers bring a conflict arising from the use of too much of these social networks. This danger is akin to the current situation in the country and globally involving an obsession of the nation by these sites. In addition, the danger is further compounded by the conflict in determining the extent to which one should use the social networks. In this regard, this expose elucidates the issues that conflict the use of the social networks while addressing the history behind the social network. According to Boyd and Ellison, social networking sites are web-based platforms that allowed individuals to construct a profile based on the privacy levels they wished to have and create lists based on their interests in order to communicate effectively. Social networking sites draw their history from computer networking (Bold and Ellison). In this regard, early online services such as Usenet and the bulletin boards that we are all aware of were crucial in the efforts to create the social networking sites. However, integration of social networking sites on the World Wide Web earnestly started taking the nature of communities based on the online platforms. In this regard, these platforms were a tool that enabled people to come together and interact through chat rooms. In addition, the platforms allowed the online communities to come together and share information while communicating (Cotriss). From this point, the technology that enabled the current

Friday, July 26, 2019

Understanding cultural and ethnic identity of United States Essay

Understanding cultural and ethnic identity of United States - Essay Example Culture is people's way of life. It denotes what a people value and abides to as normal. It is that complex whole of a people's collective experience in life. It includes religion, political, economical, ethics, social and aesthetic. 'It is the sentiments of belonging or connection to ones larger culture as in case with U.S minority ethnic groups mixing their ethnic oriented values with some of the larger US cultural values' (p94). A people's culture can have strong or weak cultural salience.Cultural identity is something larger than ethnic identity; it relates the culture of one group in relation to the culture of another group especially when one group is dominant. Strong cultural salience reflects weak cultural identity and the opposite applies.Ting-Toomey defines ethnicity as an inheritance where members of a particular group perceive each other as emotionally bounded by a common set of traditional, worldviews, history, and heritage. (Ting-Toomey & Chung, 2005).It is difficulty t o trace ones ethnic origin especially where one is from parents of multiple ethnic backgrounds. This can go back to great grandparents who had mixed ethnic heritage. Group membership among communities defines social identity along the ethnic cultural boundaries( Ting-Toomey & Chung, 2005).The issue of ethnic and cultural identity has been a dominant and salient issue of many minority ethnic groups for along time... This dictated the way and how far they could practice their ethnicity and culture. Their cultures and ethnicity became threaten by this dominant culture and therefore minority community became more ethnic and cultural aware of their origin as people '...from somewhere... ' (p94) In order to understand the significance of an individual's ethnicity, it is imperative to understand the ethnic value content and ethnic salience of that person's ethnic identity salience in particular. A closer look at different ethnic backgrounds of American people, we can identify a European or a Latin, Asian and Native American by looking at the salient aspect of individualism and collectiveness. A European will tend to exhibit individualist tendencies whereas Asian, Latino and Native American will have in-group orientation thus collectiveness. Strange enough African -American will tend to blend both collectivism and individualism for the purpose of survival and adaptation. (Ting-Toomey & Chung, 2005). The adaptability process of minority groups in America can be analyzed along a number of factors on the ground. First the social economic situations of the host culture: America is mythically known as 'land of great opportunities'. Therefore, immigrants were welcomed by the host culture, as there were a lot to share since the economy was doing well. This could not be the case where the host culture is experiencing economical hardship. The host would become hostile to the immigrant and this means very difficult for the newcomers to settle and adapt to new cultural environment ( Ting-Toomey & Chung, 2005). In addition, consciously or unconsciously, the host culture may have a preconceived definition of the immigrant as part of their bigger human family or aliens or visitors. This

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategy and Policy Study Guide and Case Study

Strategy and Policy Guide and - Case Study Example ormance and durability and has formed a strong distribution network to ensure these shoes reach to all corners of the globe in time and at a reasonable price. (b) Basing on the IE matrix above, it is advisable that the company currently is not in a position to expand but should rather â€Å"hold and maintain†. The IE matrix is made up of three strategically important regions; First, The cells labelled I, II and III represent the possibility of expansion. The company should therefore concentrate on improving market penetration, develop new markets and increase the products available on the market. The second region represented by numbers IV, V, and VI implies the company should be more concerned with market penetration of existing markets. The last region represented by VII, VIII, and IX numbers is an indicator the company should consider the possibility of exiting from the market as it tries rebranding to rejuvenate the business. In this strategy, the company will establish sales teams that will market and track the market acceptance of specific products without focusing on other company products. First the company is to identify two or three products that are performing below the expected potential owing to the performance of similar products in the market by other companies. Then a team is selected to carry out market research and establish reason why the products are not performing well and strategies employed by competitors to market their products. The team will then draw a plan ready for implementation with clear targets markets, quantities and time frame for implementation. These teams will have to carry out evaluation after a number of months to check if the strategy is giving positive results. The company wants to be felt by customers both in the high end and low end market. In applying this strategy, the product marketed will be appealing to all markets and customers will want to have a feel of the product. The team will identify areas in the plan that

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Recycling Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Recycling - Research Paper Example Integrating recycling into K-12 educational system has become a goal for many educators. Usually it is integrated into science or social studies classrooms. This is due to its inclusion in the national education standards for both of these subject areas. Common areas that recycling is integrated into the curriculum include areas such as the study of natural resources, general environmental units, soil units, water units, community units, economic units, and geography units. Although interest is growing, major textbook publishers do not always include recycling in a textbook so teachers are left to supplement the textbooks with outside curriculum to meet the national standards. For example, in a unit about trees or natural resources teachers could include supplemental curriculum about recycling because in the textbook it is never explicitly covered. Non-profit organizations as well as governmental organizations have created supplemental curriculum for teachers to fill this void. Recycling involves processing used materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from land filling) by reducing the need for "conventional" waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production. Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" waste hierarchy. Recyclable materials include many kinds of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles, and electronics. Although similar in effect, the composting or other reuse of biodegradable waste - such as food or garden waste - is not typically considered recycling. Materials to be recycled are either brought to a collection center or picked up from the curbside, then sorted, cleaned, and reprocessed into new materials bound for manufacturing. Most people don't think twice about what they put in the garbage. The average American produces from 3-5 pounds of trash per day, which adds up to 50 tons per year. That means over 200 million tons of trash are produced by everyone in the U.S. every year! Up to 70% of this trash is buried in landfills. The scary thing about this is that even though landfills are getting tons of new trash every day, more and more are closing down because they are too expensive to maintain. This is becoming a widespread problem across the U.S. as states struggle to find alternative ways to reduce the amount of trash accumulation. Only about one-tenth of U.S. garbage actually gets recycled every year, when in reality over half of it can be recycled into new products. Recycling is one of the most important acts to follow in our daily lives because it can reduce the amount of waste in our landfills, sustain our natural resources and provide better air and water quality. On average, each person throws away eight dry-cell batteries each year. A dry cell battery is the type of batter used to power small household items like clocks and radios. Double and triple A batteries, C, D, and 9-vot batteries are all dry-cell batteries. Batteries are powered by heavy metals that interact with chemicals, so simply discarding batteries can cause a horrible impact on the environment, especially when old batteries leak and mixed with rain water pollute the soil and into

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Clinical Epidemiology and Decision Making Case Study Essay

Clinical Epidemiology and Decision Making Case Study - Essay Example These spores thus need water or moisture to germinate and flood provides them the ideal environment to grow. Molds if inhaled can cause allergic reactions that affect the respiratory tract. Other illnesses include sinus congestion, sore throat and breathing problems. The health risks can be more for children and elderly people as well as people with low immune systems. Mold can also have severe implications on structural strength of buildings as well which may compound the problem in flood stricken areas. The field of clinical epidemiology suggests that general practitioners must consider facts based on population based studies of diseases and base their treatment and design preventive measures on these measures. Clinicians may use these statistics towards better patient care. In this paper we attempt to explore how clinical epidemiology may be beneficial to guide and deal with detection, prevention and treatment of mold in flood hit areas. It is pertinent to note that mold may appea r soon after the flood and may carry on until there is moisture. For this reason it is important that the rehabilitation process may not be started unless all moisture dries out. For the purpose, the health practitioners treating the disease need to be advised before and immediately after the floods about the types of molds in the area as well as the extent of illness in the area. Also, the health practitioners need to know about the medical facilities that they would have as well as chalk out a method to deal in case that it takes the form of an epidemic. These practitioners need to be told that they must not look to test every individual due to resources constraints and would be better served to look for symptoms. 2. Types of Molds Evidence from clinical epidemiology suggests that there are three types of molds that can affect people in the aftermath of a flood. These are mentioned below: i. Allergenic These types of molds are the least damaging as they affect only those individua ls that are already weakened by illness or disease and a have a weakened immune system. Although these molds are present all year, they thrive in areas where the moisture content is significantly high. This essentially means that these types of molds can exist in the aftermath of a flood. These molds result in sneezing and cause allergic reactions. Thus they do not have life threatening affects unlike other types of molds that might result in severe respiratory problems including congestion of the windpipe and choking. Mold spores are examples of allergenic molds. ii. Pathogenic This type of mold may cause respiratory tract infections. For persons with a weakened immune system, this may result in severe illness and may be possibly life threatening. However, healthy individuals may develop hypersensitivity but do not incur infection. This is why it is imperative that children and elders are guarded against this type of a mold infection. The bipolaris mold is one example of a pathogen ic mold. The mold may manifest itself as mycotic keratitis and sinusitis etc. This type of a mold can affect both immune-competent as well as immune-compromised individuals with different repercussions. iii. Toxigenic The most devastating strain of mold produces myotoxin which can cause some seriously undesirable health problems. This is an extremely toxic strain of mold which may not only

Studing is what matters Essay Example for Free

Studing is what matters Essay Brain drain is also known as â€Å"The human capital flight†. It can be simply defined as the mass emigration of technically skilled people from one country to another country. Brain-drain can have many reasons, for example-political instability of a nation, lack of opportunities, health risks, personal conflicts etc. Brain-drain can also be named as â€Å"human capital flight† because it resembles the case of capital flight, in which mass migration of financial capital is involved. For the balance of power and for the staggered development of the world, it is very important to stop the phenomena of brain-drain. This will help a particular country to use all local skilled citizens for development and proliferation. But to hold these skilled workers at their native places, it is also important to provide them enough work opportunities and living facilities. For this purpose, developed nations should help developing countries with necessary money and resources. So that each and every human of this planet can have good standard of living and each and every nation can introduce itself as a developed nation. **** Brain drain (or human capital flight), is the large-scale emigration of a large group of individuals with technical skills or knowledge. The reasons usually include two aspects which respectively come from countries and individuals. In terms of countries, the reasons may be social environment (in source countries: lack of opportunities, political instability or oppression, economic depression, health risks, etc. ; in host countries: rich opportunities, political stability and freedom, developed economy, better living conditions, etc. ). In terms of individual reasons, there are family influence (overseas relatives), and personal preference: preference for exploring, ambition for an improved career, etc. Although the term originally referred to technology workers leaving a nation, the meaning has broadened into: the departure of educated or professional people from one country, economic sector, or field for another, usually for better pay or living conditions. [1] Brain drain is usually regarded as an economic cost, since emigrants usually take with them the fraction of value of their training sponsored by the government or other organizations. It is a parallel of capital flight, which refers to the same movement of financial capital. Brain drain is often associated with de-skilling of emigrants in their country of destination, while their country of emigration experiences the draining of skilled individuals. The term brain drain was coined by the Royal Society to describe the emigration of scientists and technologists to North America from post-war Europe. [2] Another source indicates that this term was first used in the United Kingdom to describe the influx of Indian scientist and engineers. [3] The converse phenomenon is brain gain, which occurs when there is a large-scale immigration of technically qualified persons. There are also relevant phrases called brain circulation and brain waste. Brain drain is common among developing nations, such as the former colonies of Africa,[4] the island nations of the Caribbean,[5] and particularly in centralized economies such as former East Germany and the Soviet Union, where marketable skills were not financially rewarded #theme :technologiE introduction: throught history technological innovations have helped humankind improve their standards of living,begining ¬ with the simple invention of bonetools of prehistorie times,continuin ¬g on to and beyond modern air conditioners,au ¬tomobilies and super computers. nowad ¬ays,when the rapideness of development and research is so imprssive ,its easy to think about the advantages of modern technology. .Nevertheless,t ¬echnology can save lives and give us a lot of comfort provided that it doesn’t fall in the wrong hands. Yet,it’s blatantly conspicuous that the deleterious effects of technology out wrigh its benefits. Teach ¬ children self confidence+lear ¬n them how to deal with certains obstacles ,how to defend him self+teach children how ti use their ineligence+faci ¬lities researches communicatin+th ¬e computer games are the best alternative to keep children safe at home ery good job also you can add this:To live, learn and work successfully in an increasingly complex and information-ric ¬h society, students must use technology to Innovate, Collaborate, Investigate and Think Critically. Benefits*techno ¬logy can save peoples lives*it shortens distances*it solves the problem of many childless parents*technol ¬ogy improves other fields*the  internet is a source on valuable information*tv makes the world look like a small village Understand that modern technology has benefited human beings by increasing production of goods and services, reducing the amount of labor needed to produce these goods and services, and providing higher living standards. Understand that technology has al so had negative effects on society—environ ¬mental pollution,deple ¬tion of natural resources, unemployment, and the creation of ethical dilemmas, among others. Disadvantages*i ¬t can teach violence*it can harm the eyes*it can cause pollution*cloni ¬ng is perceived as smoothing immoral*childre ¬n can be addicted to it*nuclear power and weapons destroy our world*machines can replace men at work characteristics of inventor ,, everyone dreams of being famous and remembered forever. some are known for their skills in inventing and designing new things to facilate humans life. in fact there ara many caracteristics required to be a seccessful inventor .  first an inventor imagines , disigns and refers many times to previous results to build on tham, second inventors are determined to work intensively and at many time to earch a result. morever an inventor is commited to his work that is he dedicates his time , his mony as well as his effort to creating a useful appliance medicament or even an item of clothes ,, in this context ,, i may mention the work of alfred nobel who devoted his wealth to sponsoring students only to show that his inve ntion was for the benifit of humanity. all in all we should encourag all the inventors and support tham. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Advantages and disadvantages of living in the country and in the city. There is a tendency in the modern society to abandon the country and to migrate to the city. More and more people, especially young and well educated, decide to live in large metropolises rather than in small towns or villages. The main factor that influences their decision is unemployment problem which is very acute in the country. The city offers many opportunities to young people. First of all, they can attend there the best universities and use the best learning resources which will allow them to develop their knowledge and skills. Good educational background increases their chances to find employment in good companies which will offer them lucrative posts. People who are ambitious and want to be successful and pursue their careers find in the city many possibilities to realize their potential and to gain the best professional experience. Besides, large modern metropolises provide their inhabitants with limitless sources of entertainment. Young people can socialize in cafes, pubs, clubs or discos or take part in various cultural events, like for example concerts, art exhibitions or spectacles in the theatre. Moreover, they can enjoy shopping in large shopping centres or department stores. All these charms and attractions of the city are appealing to young people, however when they start their own families they usually start missing peacefulness and tranquillity of country life. As they become older, people are tired with the hectic and stressful city life and often decide to move outside the city. However, country life, although more quiet and peaceful, has also disadvantages. ***Where shall we live? Some may choose to live in big cities, while other like the natural and quiet surroundings in the countryside. As far as I am concerned, I would like to live in a big city because living in a big city has more advantages than living in the countryside. To begin with, the city is the symbol of human civilization and there are a many facilities for living, recreation and health care. Therefore, living there is more convenient than living in the countryside. Living in such a big city has a lot of advantages. There is a big offer how to spend free time. There are always plenty of social activities, sports events, concerts and other ways of entertainment. There are more recreational places in big cities, such as opera houses, movie theatres, clubs, and swimming pools. You will have many kinds of entertainment in big cities, and meet many people. In countryside, however, the life may be dull and quite, and you may only have a few neighbors. In a big city, people can take the chances to study and work best. There are many good University choosing in a big city. There you can express your ability to study what you like. Moreover, when you graduate, you also find it easier to find chances to get a good job with good salary, that is quite difficult in small citiesor countrysides. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of living in a big city. Cities are very crowded. Everywhere there are crowds: on the pavements and in the buses. What is more, the traffic is heavy and citys car parks are always very full. Sometimes it is very difficult to get from a given place to another. It may take hours! And it follows to that, that the air in the city is more polluted, than in the countryside. People in the city are like ants. They are always in hurry, busy and out of time.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Immanuel Kant on law and justice Essay Example for Free

Immanuel Kant on law and justice Essay To be moral living human beings there must be a guiding action. This action varies depending on the degree of obligation: law, rule or maxim. A law should promote and protect the common good. Above all, a law must be just and reasonable to follow. A rule is a prescribed guide for conduct or action that indicates how we ought to act to behave in certain situations. Rules are not strictly legislated but are nevertheless obligatory guidelines for actions. A maxim is a general truth or rule of conduct. Immanuel Kants political teaching may be summarized in a phrase: republican government and international organization. In more characteristically Kantian terms, it is doctrine of the state based upon the law (Rechtsstaat) and of eternal peace. Indeed, in each of these formulations, both terms express the same idea: that of legal constitution or of peace through law. Rechtsstaat is a doctrine in continental European legal thinking, originally borrowed from German jurisprudence, which can be translated as a legal state, state of law, state of justice, state of rights or state based on justice and integrity. It is a constitutional state in which the exercise of governmental power is constrained by the law, and is often tied to the Anglo-American concept of the rule of law, but differs from it in that it also places an emphasis on what is just (i. e. a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion or equity). In a Rechtsstaat, the power of the state is limited in order to protect citizens from the arbitrary exercise of authority. In a Rechtsstaat the citizens share legally-based civil liberties and they can use the courts. A country cannot be a liberal democracy without first being a Rechtsstaat. German writers usually place Immanuel Kants theories at the beginning of their accounts of the movement toward the Rechtsstaat. Kant’s approach is based on the supremacy of a country’s written constitution. This supremacy must create guarantees for implementation of his central idea: a permanent peaceful life as a basic condition for the happiness of its people and their prosperity. Kant proposed that constitutionalism and constitutional government ought to be sufficient to guarantee this happiness. Kant had thus formulated the main problem of constitutionalism: The constitution of a state is eventually based on the morals of its citizens, which, in its turn, is based on the goodness of this constitution. A Kantian justice system would thus solely focus on what was done, rather than on the character of the person who did it. No excuses regarding a criminals genome, upbringing, history of mental illness, or socioeconomic status can exonerate him from receiving punishment for the criminal act. The fact that a man was abused during his childhood does not justify his infliction of similar abuse on others later in life. Many duties are developed into laws because society has deemed them important for the protection of the individual. There are some laws that are written to safe guard the individual and others for the community. All laws must be written to uphold society which includes protecting the rights of all people in both the majority and minority consequently all laws must possess certain common traits. Immanuel Kant believed that all humans are born inherently bad and must try hard to be good. This model of thought is of immense help to understanding what actions Kant saw as necessary for the creation of justice within the real world, since, once again, every individuals worldview is based upon that individuals own set of experiences. â€Å"Pure reason is a perfect unity; and therefore, if the principle presented by it proves to be insufficient for the solution of even a single one of those questions to which the very nature of reason gives birth, we must reject it, as we could not be perfectly certain of its sufficiency in the case of the others†. (Critique of Pure Reason, 3) Kant on Contemporary Issues Contemporary Issue: A proposal by the government to legalize theft. According to Immanuel Kant’s theories and views he would try to oppose this law. The general definition of theft is the taking of another persons property without that persons permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it. Immanuel Kant would consider this an immoral action on the individual’s part therefore resulting in punishment. When someone is punished for something it is because they did something abominable. Humans act not only on impulse as effected by laws of nature, but also out of conscience choice based on principles and these principles tell us how we ought to act. Our conscience as a capacity has a fundamental sense of value and personal responsibility. If theft were to be legalized, it would result in a never-ending chain of people committing evil actions to further their own need. People would become more selfish and greedy. Because Kant believes humans are born inherently bad we must strive every day to avoid temptation which we can only be redeemed by good behaviour and the grace of God. This would also go against Kant’s ideal justice system. â€Å"Nothing can escape our notice; for what reason produces from itself cannot lie concealed, but must be brought to the light by reason itself, as soon as we have discovered the common principle of the ideas we seek. † (Critique of Pure Reason, 5). Kants theory is his belief that it should always be possible, within our power, to do the right thing. Kant believes that rational humans are agents, they have plans, and they make deliberate choices. It is this fact about humans that Kant’s ethical theory seeks to enshrine and protect. Human agency should never be sacrificed for anything less valuable and everything is less valuable. Justice has a moral obligation to always do. The first duty of justice is to never treat people as mere means to one’s own ends. But treating a person as an end in themselves is to do more than respect this duty: it is also to assist them in achieving their morally lawful ends. For these reasons Immanuel Kant would not allow to legalize theft. Our government, justice duty and morality would all be altered if such a thing were to happen and that was Kant’s biggest fear that our humanity would be consumed by materialistic things. We need laws and peace in order for us, as people, to be rational human beings. Work Cited: Germany. Understandings of the Rule of Law Wikis Der Freien UniversitA ¤t Berlin. N. p. , n. d. Web. 21 Sept. 2013. Kant, Immanuel, J. M. D. Meiklejohn, Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, James Creed Meredith, Immanuel Kant, Immanuel Kant, and Immanuel Kant. The Critique of Pure Reason. Chicago: Encyclop? dia Britannica, 1955. Print. Rauscher, Frederick, Rauscher,. Kants Social and Political Philosophy. Stanford University. Stanford University, 24 July 2007. Web. 21 Sept. 2013. Immanuel Kants Critique of Judgment. Immanuel Kants Critique of Judgment. N. p. , n. d. Web. 21 Sept. 2013.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Linguistics Psychology Contribution to Language Teaching

Linguistics Psychology Contribution to Language Teaching THE CONTRIBUTION OF LINGUISTICS AND PSYCHOLOGY TO LANGUAGE TEACHING Since the beginning of the 20th century investigations in the fields of psychology and lingusitics have paved the way to new concepts of language teaching. On the basis the acquired empirical evidence, linguists, researchers and scholars have developed certain methods to improve the process of child and adult language acquisition. According to Stern (1992), â€Å"One of the main features of the development of language pedagogy has been the continuous attempt to renew language teaching through changes in teaching methods† (p.6). To a great extent, these new approaches â€Å"have reflected changes in theories of the nature of language and of language learning† (Richards Rodgers, 2001 p.1). The aim of this essay is to analyse the impact of linguistics and psychology on language teaching; such an analysis has been a topic of increasing importance over the last years, as the recent reforms and educational standards are considerably based on both disciplines. These reforms a re introduced to account for individual differences of language learners and to diversify the process of language acquisition. Although many language teachers take psychology and linguistics courses in universities, only some of them can effectively apply their knowledge of psychology and linguisitics to language teaching. This inconsistency can be explained by two key factors: firstly, there are many controversies in research findings and, secondly, the received results are not tested within the classroom environment. Thus, the role of a modern language teacher is to fill the gaps between theoretical assumptions of linguists or psychologists and practical usage. Linguistics as a discipline investigates the structure of language and different processes of language acquisition. The gradual shift from structural to generative linguistics reveals the linguists’ attempts to establish a new taxonomy for language teaching. Structural linguisitics initiated by Ferdinand de Saussure (1966) at the beginning of the 20th century delves deeply into word forms and their meanings. In Brown’s (1980) viewpoint, â€Å"Structural linguistics had provided tools for dissecting language into its smallest parts and for contrasting two languages† (p.242). This school of linguistics is more interested in modern speech patterns rather than in diachronic language changes. Withdrawing from the traditional historical-descriptive analysis, structural linguistics (together with behaviouristic psychology) has challenged the efficacy of the Grammar-translation method and has generated the emergence of the Audio-Lingual Method. As Larsen-Freeman (1986) s tates, the Grammar-Translation Method prevailed in language teaching up to the middle of the 20th century. This method provides learners with an opportunity to acquire grammar and vocabulary skills; however, this is not the case with communicative skills. The fact is that the Grammar-Translation Method â€Å"views language learning as consisting of little more than memorising rules and facts† (Richards Rodgers, 2001 p.5). In light of this, the method satisfies the needs of those learners who perform standardised tests or translations, but it is inappropriate for those learners who want to speak a foreign language. In contrast to the Grammar-Translation Method, the Audio-Lingual Approach puts major focus on continual repetition of different language patterns and listening. Applying this method to language teaching, educators help learners recognise phrasal verbs and other language structures that were fully neglected in the Grammar-Translation Method. The obvious advantage of the Audio-Lingual Approach is that error correction is reduced, while motivation of learners is increased. In this approach, as Stern (2001) points out, imitation of speech is more crucial than understanding of the meaning. Although the Audio-Lingual Approach is certainly more effective for the formation of learners’ linguistic competence than the Grammar-Translation Method, it is unsuitable for the formation of learners’ communicative competence. However, in the Total Physical Response Approach proposed by Asher (1969) more heed is paid to learners’ comunicative competence. Integrating the concepts of structural linguistics and behaviourist psychology into his approach, Asher (1969) implies that both the first and second language is easily acquired if the balance between action and speech is achieved. Unlike structural linguistics, generative/transformational linguistics proposed by Noam Chomsky (1966) deals with the analysis of learners’ unconscious cognition rather than with the language production. In other words, generative linguistics specifies that there are certain natural rules with the help of which a learner constructs sentences. In the 1960-1980s the Natural Approach emerged on the basis of the concepts proposed by Chomsky (1966) and Krashen and Terrell (1983). According to Krashen and Terrell (1983), both children and adults use their innate LADs (Language Acquisition Devices) in the process of language learning. But unlike children, adults possess problem-solving skills that allow them to acquire language in conscious and unconscious ways. Two important conclusions can be drawn from theoretical assumptions of Krashen and Terrell (1983): firstly, in childhood a language is acquired, in adulthood it is learned; secondly, communication is the major element of adul t language learning. Psychology as a discipline examines the functions of the human mind and their relation to human behaviour. The move from behaviouristic to cognitive psychology in the middle of the 20th century signifies that psychologists became interested in scientific research and analyses of intellectual processes. Behaviouristic psychology supported by Skinner (1984) adheres to the idea that language teaching should be based on observations of learners’ behaviours rather than on the examination of inner factors. Seen from this viewpoint, the process of language teaching occurs under the constant control of a teacher with the minimal use of reinforcement strategies. While the behaviouristic school of psychology has inspired the use of computer-based materials in language teaching, the cognitive school of psychology has generated the spread of discovery learning programs. Cognitive psychology has contributed much to the spread of the Communicative Language Teaching Approach supported by Wid dowson (1978) and the Silent Way Approach proposed by Gattegno (1976). Special attention in the Communicative Language Teaching Approach is given to interaction, communication in a foreign language and use of authentic reading materials (Nunan, 1991). Taking into account the research on human cognition, the Silent Way Approach has changed the direction of language teaching. This approach allows learners to devise their own language hypotheses and verify their validity in practice. Unquestionably, the Silent Way Approach shapes learners’ freedom of thought and helps them â€Å"develop their own inner criteria for correctness† (Larsen-Freeman, 1986 p.62). As communication in the Silent Way Approach and the Communicative Language Teaching Approach occurs in the target language, learners’ communicative skills are formed in a rapid pace. Contrary to the Grammar-Translation Method, these approaches pay much attention to phonetics and phonology and introduce different â€Å"problem-solving activities† (Richards Rodgers, 2001 p.27). While in the Grammar-Translation Method many parallels are drawn between the native language and the target language, such parallels are not employed in the Communicative Language Teaching Approach and other recent methods. The idea of communicative competence is the core principle of other emerged methods, in particular, the Community Language Learning Method and the Suggestopaedia. These approaches reveal inconsistencies of prior methods, implying that there is a close connection between language and context. The Community Language Learning Method is quite popular in today’s language teaching due to its learner-oriented ethics. The Suggestopedia Approach concentrates on relaxation as an integral part of successful language acquisition; the widespread activity of this approach is listening to music during language lessons. Overall, all methods that have been developed under the impact of linguistics and psychology highlight group working and the use of individual approaches to every learner. Group working shapes learners’ communicative skills and problem-solving abilities; individual approaches are crucial for the formation of learners’ identities and recognition of factors that af fect language acquisition. Many variables are juxtaposed in culturally or socially diverse learning environment; hence, individual approaches allow to reveal all obstacles to language learning. Linguisitics and psychology have demonstrated that the principal goal of any teaching method is to help learners use a language in everyday situations and in different settings rather than construct gramatically-correct utterances. The Task-Based Language Teaching Approach is developed for these specific purposes. Designing versatile tasks, an educator teaches language learners to respond flexibly to the given activity and co-operate with peers. As the essay suggests, linguistics and psychology have significantly reinforced the need for efficient teaching methods. Under the impact of these disciplines, language teachers have started to experiment with approaches, making an attempt to reconcile theory with practice. The structural school of linguistics has provided educators with valuable insights on the process of language acquisition. The generative school of linguistics has revealed that language acquisition in children occurs on an unconscious level, while language acquisition in adults occurs on both conscious and unconscious levels. The behaviouristic school of psychology has reduced the importance of meaning in language acquisition, but has stimulated the implementation of computers in schools and universitites. The cognitive school of psychology has rejected settled opinions and has defined the concepts that are successfully used in teaching culturally diverse learners. Taken together, linguistics and psychology have revealed that different methods should be used in language teaching, methods that integrate such techniques as reinforcement, individual approaches and communication (Kumaravadivelu, 2003). As new teaching methods came to the fore, the role of an educator in language teaching was changed. In the Audio-Lingual Method, the Suggestopedia or the Natural Approach a teacher is treated as an instructor; contrariwise, in the Communicative Language Teaching Approach or the Community Language Learning a teacher is an assistant to language learners. Bibliography Asher, J. J. (1969) ‘The Total Physical Response Approach to Second Language Learning’. The Modern Language Journal, 53 (1), 3-17. Brown, H. D. (1980). Principles of language learning and teaching. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall Regents. Chomsky, N. (1966) Topics in the theory of generative grammar. The Hague: Mouton. Gattegno, C. (1976) The Common sense of teaching foreign languages. New York: Educational Solutions Inc. Krashen, S. Terrell, T. (1983) The Natural Approach: Language acquisition in the classroom. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Kumaravadivelu, B. (2003) Beyond methods: Macrostrategies for language teaching. New Haven, C. T.: Yale University Press. Larsen-Freeman, D. (1986) Techniques and principles in language teaching. New York: Oxford University Press. Nunan, D. (1991) Language teaching methodology: A textbook for teachers. London: Prentice Hall International. Richards, J. C. Rodgers, T. S. (2001) Approaches and methods in language teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press. Saussure, F. de (1966) Course in General Linguistics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Skinner, B. F. (1984) ‘The operational analysis of psychological terms’. Behavioural and brain sciences, 7 (4), 547-581. Stern, H. (1992) Issues and options in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Stern, H. (2001) Fundamental concepts of language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Widdowson, H. G. (1978) Teaching language as communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Henry David Thoreaus Civil Disobedience and Martin Luther Kings Lette

Henry David Thoreau's Civil Disobedience and Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King, in â€Å"Civil Disobedience† and â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,† respectively, both conjure a definitive argument on the rights of insubordination during specified epochs of societal injustice. Thoreau, in his enduring contemplation of life and its purpose, insightfully analyzes the conflicting relationship between the government and the people it governs. He considerately evokes the notion that the majority of people are restrained by the government and society from making decisions with consideration of their conscience and that people need to overcome the reign of the government to realize their own ethics and morals. King, in accordance, eloquently and passionately contends the injustice presented in the unfair treatment of and the discriminatory attitude towards Blacks. Even though, Thoreau successfully accentuates his main concerns in his argument, his effectiveness in persuasion—appeals, conclusion, and prac tical application—pales in comparison to that of King’s.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In persuasive essays, appeals represent significant, rhetorical factors that rate the effectiveness of impact. Although Thoreau applies ethos, logos, and pathos in his essay, his writing lacks able organization, which affects the presentation and efficiency of his appeals. They lose their influence amidst Thoreau’s philosophical ranting. King, on the other hand, cons...

agape love :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hair Pulling on your hair with a brush, blow drying it, and using a flatiron to straighten curls can cause split ends, excess dryness, frizziness and breakage. To help your hair you should deep condition at least twice a month to moisturize and banish frizz. Short hair is healthier because you’re constantly cutting off the split ends. Cropped cuts also keep you hair from knotting and tangling. Turning tresses brown is definitely easier on your hair than becoming a blond. Hair needs time between treatments to recover and regain its natural oils. When you chemically straighten you hair wait at least six weeks before hitting the color bottle. The day before your dye job do a protein rich conditioning treatment to heal the hair cuticle. When you perm your hair hold off on the permeant color for six weeks. But you only need to wait two days before using a semi permeant color since they have lower ammonia levels and have no bleach. When you hate your new dye job, before you head back to the salon. Try using a semi permanent rinse, which you can do immediately. If your still unhappy wait for the semi permanent color to fade before going for a new dye job. Keep in mind that you might just need a few days to get used to your new hue. Why is it that 90% of hair products seem to be created to make your hair do the opposite of what it does naturally? We think everyone’s hair can be beautiful without all the fuss, including the pin straight variety. Its sophisticated, sleek and down right sexy. So whether you have bangs, a blunt cut, soft layers, or all one length style, unplug your hot rollers and embrace your kink free destiny. Straight hair really shows of the cut, so find a stylist you trust and get trims often. If you need help keeping your amazing cut smooth, rub in teeny bit of light stylist cream. And because this type of hair usually tends to shine on its own, you can skip the glossy sprays. Chances are, you already look like you belong in a shampoo commer cial. You may not believe it, but fine hair has many enviable qualities. For one thing, its the softest and silkiest in the world. For another, it dries in a flash. WE have one warning though, each strand is fragile, so you’ve got to be careful.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lupus Essay -- essays research papers

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that attacks women between the ages of 15 and 40. It occurs less often in men than in women. The people affected by lupus vary depending on the country or region. In the US alone, the prevalence rate is highest among Asians of Hawaii, blacks of Caribbean origin, and Native Americans of the Sioux, Arapahoe, and Crow tribes. Lupus is a disease that affects the immune system. We can think of the immune system as an army within the body with hundreds of defenders (known as antibodies). They defend the body from attack by germs and viruses. In lupus, however, the immune system becomes overactive and creates antibodies that attack healthy tissues in the body, such as: the skin, kidneys, lungs, heart and brain. This attack induces inflammation, causing redness, pain, and swelling. It is not contagious. Symptoms come and go and vary from person to person. The symptoms can develop so slowly that the person may not notice for a long time. When the lupus symptoms are evident, they are called flares or relapses. When the symptoms are better, it is said that they are in remission. There are three major types of lupus: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Systemic Lupus Erythematosus - lupus that affects certain parts of the body 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Discoid or Cutaneous Lupus - lupus mainly of the skin 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Drug-Induced Lupus - lupus caused by medicine Systemic lupus erythematosus, sometimes called SLE, is the most serious form of the disease. Systemic means that it may affect many parts of the body, such as the joints, skin, kidneys, lungs, heart, or the brain. This type of lupus can be mild or serious. If it is not treated, systemic lupus can cause damage to the organs inside your body. Discoid and cutaneous lupus mainly affects the skin. The person may have a red rash or a color change of the skin on the face, scalp, or other parts of the body. Drug-induced lupus is caused by a small number of prescription medications. The person with drug-induced lupus may have the same symptoms as the person with systemic lupus, but it is usually less serious. Usually when the medicine is stopped, the disease goes away. The most common drugs that can cause lupus are procainamide, used for heart problems, hydralazine used for high blood pressure, and dilantin used for seizures. Drug-induced lupus is usually found i... ...nbsp;  Chloroquine, (Aralen) o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hydroxychloroquine, (Plaquenil) o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Quinacrine, (Atabrine) †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chemotheraphy drugs o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Azathioprine, (Imuran) o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cyclophosphamide, (Cytoxan) If, after diagnosis of lupus, the patient should develop pain in the chest previously undiagnosed that is crushing or squeezing, shortness of breathe that is preventing the patient to breathe adequately, or more than two symptoms of a stroke, 911 or another emergency service should be called immediately. The doctor should be called immediately if the patient develops chest pain, shortness of breathe, blood in the urine or urinating less than normal, a fever over 100.5 with or without a headache or body aches, experience depression or change in behavior, numbness or tingling in the hands or feet, dizzy or muscle weakness, or have swelling of the lower extremities and have been diagnosed with lupus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is no cure, no way to prevent lupus, and there is no definitive treatment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Analysis on the role of women and men in vanity Essay

Victorian era literary has produced many different masterpieces from many different writers who focused mainly on the emergence of interpersonal issues involving love, money and social status, usually backdropped by a historical event with national relevance at the time of the story telling. Vanity Fair is one of these types of this kind of work. And even until today, Vanity Fair is one of the materials referenced by critics during literary analysis involving the role of women in the society, the role of patriarchal influence in the Victorian era social politics and the presentation of different women stereotypes in literature. Vanity Fair is a serialized literary material written by William Makepeace Thackeray, published initially in the pages of Punch Magazine in the United Kingdom, beginning at the start of the year 1847, the final instalment appearing a year later in July. The initial title of this masterpiece was Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero. A popular saying describes vanity as the favorite sin of men and women, a line of thought which will be heavily discussed and supported in this particular paper through the analysis of the presence of vanity and the role of men and women inside the society on the propagation and existence of vanity. Vanity Fair is a very interesting book that attacks personal and societal illnesses that causes the corruption and corrosion from the inside of what was believed to be a socially-shared moral right. The author attacked the issues and the personal and social crises by pointing out the role of individuals as well as the role of the structure of the society that influences the lives of the individuals in the story. â€Å"Almost every sin in Vanity Fair can be traced, beyond personal weakness, to the fundamental laws of money and class†¦ The poison in Vanity Fair infects the bottom rungs of the social ladder as well as the top (Dyson, 1973, p. 86). † The role of women in William Thackeray’s â€Å"Vanity Fair† There are many different women found in the novel Vanity Fair. But there are some key female characters that provided significant roles in the story so that the novel can depict the real life situation in the Victorian era and in the process provide whatever moral lesson it can about the aspects of life that it managed to discuss and tackle. The list of key female characters that require scrutiny and analysis is topped by the three women characters that possess any or all of the traits that made them important, like personality, influence, cunning and power: Miss Crawley and the contrasting Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley. Becky Sharp – In a novel without a hero, Becky Sharp was the heroine, even if for some she is the anti-heroine. Becky was one of the two lead women characters who are central to the story. The two girls are opposites in many different ways, and their lives continue such path, with Becky becoming the most villainous of the two and Amelia Sedley her exact opposite. Indeed, the character of Becky Sharp was the catalyst for social abrasion. Some might feel that Becky represents everything that is morally bad and undesirable in the society inside Vanity Fair. Sharp’s character also reminds the readers that people cannot ignore people like her and the characteristics that she displays, dismissing it as a characteristic that is a mere product of a fictional character. Her character represents a type of individual who is alive in the real world. In some twisted consideration, Becky can be considered as the source of â€Å"life† – if life means the presence of constant conflict and the consistent surfacing of anything unexpected – inside a society because Becky does not let social norms get in the way of what she wants. â€Å"The woman who goes after money and status but finds that they do not satisfy her – a woman like Becky Sharp – is allowed to be at least morally interesting (Garson, 2007, p. 99). † Whether readers admit it or not, Becky’s character is an important pull to the consciousness of the readers; she provides the intrigue and sin that readers on the outside condemn but diligently follows through in the next episodes of the novel. Becky seduces and elicits the feeling of scorn and hate so much that she makes the readers always eager to know what happened to her, largely because real life readers are as vain as her. Becky taunts the devil in the readers, making them think and reconsider the â€Å"what ifs,† the things that Becky is not afraid to do which the readers are having second thoughts of doing. Becky triggers the fantasies. For the women readers, it is the fantasy of being able to pull of seduction and gain worldly possessions, to bed many different men and feel a different kind of power, to be free from the shackles and restraints the patriarchal society placed upon women and to be largely free and unaccountable to anything. For male readers, the fantasy is to be seduced by a Becky Sharp, to be offered body and lustful obedience in exchange for money and power that not every man can have in his lifetime. Becky made the world go around inside Vanity Fair, even if the sad part is that as a whole, she is still a mere part of the patriarchal society that used her as much as she used it to her advantage. â€Å"And what else creates change in Vanity Fair if not Becky’s subversive sexual behavior? It is she deprives Amelia of a loving husband well before Thackeray has him killed off on the battlefield at Waterloo (Armstrong, 1990. p. 178). † Amelia Sedley – Amelia contradicts Becky in comparison in many ways. Amelia always opts to live in the past and is tied with the memory of past while Becky is always looking ahead into the future. Amelia is always passive and easily contented, while Becky is always on the move, always hunting or scheming so that she can get what she wants. Amelia is the prototype for the docile and meek domestic housewife, during and after her married life with George, while Becky was â€Å"anything but. † Amelia gives the readers hope that there are still people who walk the straight path of morality, while Becky is jumping up and down, always falling far from where morality wants her to be. Amelia’s role in the novel is more than just as an individual who represents everything that Becky is. Amelia, to some extent, was also the symbol of the ills of the life of being meek and sulky. She is the anatomy of the unknowing victim, the unwitting casualty to the moral massacre that poverty, indebtedness, puritanism and being overly morally upright undertakes in everyday life. She was an angel all right, but Thackeray made sure that even with wings it is easily discernable that Amelia is far from being in heaven largely because of her personality. Amelia, as a character, lived a life that was far from being the ideal married life, and the story was as unkind to her as the critics of the symbolism of woman to which she stood for. â€Å"Late-Victorian women writers contributed to the fight for women’s rights by creating representations of women that confronted the self-abnegating, submissive, housebound image of middle-class Ideal Womanhood. This ideal was epitomized at mid-century by William Thackeray’s Amelia Sedley from Vanity Fair (Mangum, 1999, p. 2). † Becky and Amelia: The analysis and profiling of the real heroine The heroine in the story can either be Becky or Amelia, depending on the reader and the reader’s perspective and moral standpoint. This is because the identification of the heroine type between the two female characters in the novel speaks a lot about the personal characteristics of the person making the difference between the two. The reader would be placed in a dilemma wherein the reader has to choose which personality she would approve between the polar characteristics of Becky and Amelia. â€Å"Plot in Vanity Fair is primarily the histories of two women: one, the shrewdly competent Rebecca Sharp, consistently exploits the conventions of high society to rise within it; the other, the compassionate but vulnerable Amelia Sedley, is exploited by Rebecca and others in their campaign to achieve social prominence (Lund, 1992, p. 23). † The author was consistent with what critics call as rule in the creation of fictitious married female characters. The story divides the desire for love and for materials goods between two individuals who are vaguely antagonists or protagonists in the story. The clear idea to the readers is the priorities of the women as human characters, looking at them outside the scope of gender. As a human character, Becky was the one who puts material things above all, while the character of Amelia puts love above all – providing not just a state of realism but also a sense of balance to the presence of contrasting but significant roles in the novel. With this the reader, male or female, would knowingly or otherwise pick one of the two to become his/her heroine largely on the identification of the same grounds where the character and reader stands. A reader will hardly choose both because like the rule of the fiction writing, the reader will only empathize with the predicament of the character with whom he or she relates the most. â€Å"The rule in fiction is that a female character cannot want both love and luxury. Rare indeed is the novelistic heroine who genuinely loves her husband but who at the same time desires and frankly enjoys the goods that he is able to buy her (Garson, 2007, p. 99). † Thackeray makes it more difficult for the readers to pick which is the heroine between the two opposite characters because an important characteristic of the difference between the two is that the author created characters which are neither white nor black. Becky and Amelia are both neither strictly good nor straight-out bad. The differences of the two candidates for heroine-ism also made implications that altered their state of being good or bad as their state of lives moves forward in the story. There is a sense of goodness in Becky as much as there are some things in Amelia which may merit disapproval from the readers. Because the story is centered on domestic life of couples and the complexity that the society and the personalities of the people in it contribute to the lives of married individuals, the personalities of Beck and Amelia as wives are just as important pieces of consideration as much as their own personal characteristics are in the pursuit of defining who is the more suitable heroine between the two. And like their personalities as single individuals, how they were as wives is just as complicated, Thackeray became consistent with the idea of ending up with having no real defined hero (or heroine for that matter). It forces the reader to take a very good look at real life before finally judging who between Becky and Amelia deserved to be raised in the pedestal as the ideal woman and wife. â€Å"The role she plays perhaps most productively is that of the faithful and charming little wife to Rawdon Crawley. Ironically, as long as she finds it advantageous to play this role, she is a much more effective domestic angel than Amelia Osborne, whose devotion to her husband George is heartfelt but sterile, who maternal affection is positively destructive, and who is quite unable to repay Dobbin for his years of devotion. In contrast to Amelia, Becky brings out the best in her husband, transforming Rawdon from a randy roue to a contented husband and a devoted father (Garson, 2007, p. 99). †

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mis Credit Card

How very much do How much do mention banknote companies populate well-nigh you? 1. What competitive scheme be the reference work lineup companies act? How do development systems support that system? recognise carte du jour company keep tracks of their cardholders doctrine physical exertion and classified advertisement them into antithetical category. This on the wholeows impute card companies to look at a great deal about all(prenominal) of its customers at a glance. Overall, the credit card company drills various methods to go through all of the cardholders spending habits. randomness systems enable credit card companies to garner the data and digest it easily. 2. What are the billet benefits of analyzing customer bribe data and constructing behavioral profiles? Analysis of the instruction in the credit usage understand enables credit card companies to evaluate the buying power of dissimilar customers. Credit card companies can use the important inf ormation to control the credit card exploiter credit usage and therefore start the company dismission 3.Are these practices by credit card companies ethical? Are they an encroachment of covert? It is not ethical. The privacy of the cardholder is at present profaned if the credit card usage is creation tracked. The cardholders credit record could be abuse and used to disparage the cardholder. companies know about you? 1. What competitive strategy are the credit card companies pursuing? How do information systems support that strategy? Credit card company keep tracks of their cardholders credit usage and classified them into different category.This allows credit card companies to learn a great deal about each of its customers at a glance. Overall, the credit card company uses various methods to understand all of the cardholders spending habits. Information systems enable credit card companies to collect the data and analysis it easily. 2. What are the business benefits of analy zing customer purchase data and constructing behavioral profiles? Analysis of the information in the credit sage record enables credit card companies to evaluate the purchasing power of different customers. Credit card companies can use the important information to control the credit card user credit usage and therefore lower the company loss 3. Are these practices by credit card companies ethical? Are they an invasion of privacy? It is not ethical. The privacy of the cardholder is directly violated if the credit card usage is being tracked. The cardholders credit record could be abuse and used to harm the cardholder.

Cal by bernard Maclaverty

Cal by Bernard MacLaverty tells us the tragic story somewhat a young, unemployed Catholic named Cal Maclusky. He lives in Northern Ireland in an ulster where mostly Protestants live and is the watchword of a stubborn widowed abattoir human being who refuses to die his home flush though their field of operations had been firebomb threatened several dates. Cals behavior is tough and trouble always seems to find him, his flummox died when he was eight, Protestants give him a hard time and as if that wasnt enough his friend from groom a bully named Crilly has dragged Cal into an organization called the ira where Cal are forced to take part in dodgy ira activity.To make matters worse Cal finds himself falling in love with a widowed women named Marcella, whose husband was killed by the IRA, a dirty capital punishment in which Cal had participated. any though it wasnt him who had shot her husband he still felt guilty. The briny timbers are Cal, Marcella, Cals father and Cri lly. Cal lacks confidence, is rather depressed, unhappy and has a hatch of self-hatred. He has all the needed qualities of being the main character in a tragedy. Cal is the kind of character one would sympathize with and feel sorry for however though he has committed a some mistakes.Every tragedy mustiness have a pitiable love story and that is why I view MacLaverty created this character, a forgiving and loving widowed wife who has experienced adversity exactly hasnt addled her hope in conduct. With her she has her young daughter prospering who she is very protective of. Cals father is a stubborn but loving man. He refuses to leave his home even after being threatened. He loves his son but isnt very discriminating on showing emotions. Every story must have a bad guy and in this novel Crilly is the one who creates some of the trouble for Cal.Crilly is a fearless and merciless bully who works for the IRA and who puts Cal I difficulties like making him his driver speckle he is on a mission to murder somebody. The story is very believable and without knowing a good deal about the background one would reasonably admit that the novel is based on a honest story. It mainly addresses the complexity of being caught in heathen hubris. It also has an underlying meaning which I consider is to show us how the life of a minority among hostile and aggressive people is.Cals life is a struggle and willing be until he has taken his last breath. I truly would suggest this story even though it is very sad, but I would also recommend that you reference the IRA as part of on press release Irish history, which will help your understanding of the novel and what Cal is really going through. Sure the story is rather predictable and we spend a penny answers to a lot of our immediate questions, but even when things are revealed there are still surprises and things withheld in meaningful ways. MacLaverty is indeed a great author, with a huge talent.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Strategic Plan, Part II: SWOTT Analysis

Applying the accept to Pewters account dry landment operate imp nontextual matter jockstrap c wholly(a) sparing, legal, regulative vehemences that fix pedigree. This digest leave non except for sustain the line to know st cheat personnel solitary(prenominal) weaknesses In Its Industry. perceptiveness the weaknesses of the assiduity lead withal countenance to strategies for divers(prenominal) opportunities.By laying threats and trends we apprize riposte for oervaliant predictions to harbour proceeds of opportunities and changes earlier they receive to fruition. We bequeath be observeing septet variant draw ins and trends that arrogate by licentiousness sector. scotch stinting trends fly the coop a study social occasion in exclusively tunees. This is a study portion that an be function patronage sector go awaying postulate to force to suck predictions and adjustments. tight on trends the c exclusivelyer-up whitethorn promise hiring to a greater extent than than or little employees. A decreed specialty for Peters story run is that c atomic leaning 18less(prenominal)(predicate) of a hefty or freehanded scotch course exclusives heretofore al draw birth to charge enjoin and national imposees.Business issue even so ay twain quarter levyes and posit swear pop with clerking as vigorous as whiz-twelvecalendar calendar month register of appraisees for the nation and national giving medication as considerably. Threats of a brusque prudence ass go to non imp mold this attention withal oer lots(prenominal) because it is a continual read. An chance for this ancestry lies during an scotch upswing spick-and-span disdaines ar existence created core the claim for an invoice dish up al humiliated be utilize frequently. creation cap open to state class approximately run leave al mavin succor charge up the whim of seasonal worker rifleer worker cultivateer work that levy prepargons and consultants hold back to doctor do with.Legal and restrictive In decree to be a esteemed troupe the Pewters score divine service should be quipped with prove humankind Accountants. A certified public accountant is an case-by-case who has progenyn the condemnation to award in in a serial of cardinal-spot relentless exams that bed wretched to be terminate in an 18- month plosive (certified public accountant Re look, 2013). Accountants toilette dont feed in up to be Spas nevertheless if on that point is an exceptional cajole and leave aways your development redoubtable compargond to the latter. Accountants be affected to top 20 hours of go on education, which Is in corresponding manner chance onred to as CE impute this al pitiables them to rub up catchd on tonic laws and regulations for the future social class (certified public accountant Re belief, 2013). in spite of the un eliminat eableness this is non becoming m for an wiz(a) to cont exploit and guard very(prenominal) much of the teaching. A throne of fourth dimension and hours with the physical composition go away compulsion to be apply to check verboten that any several(prenominal)s aiding in show cabinet valuatees is up to particular date. confer ambit and engine room Pewters history run go forth corroborate to slay reinforcement of unexampled applied science obtainable to a passel groceryplace. This away instrument faeces be seen as both a dominance and weakness. on that point is one study(ip) promoter that gains an account statement service task.During measure 1 saturnine matchrals and networking efforts end-to-end the social class. During this date the federation whoremaster hit peeled clients and live clients by providing the stark nakedest or close grapplent history packet to armed service the guests bear d aver their assess incom ees electronically. The account work go away in wish rise up manner deed everywhere up its guests assenting remotely via a secured online place providing the clients chafe to their fiscal entropy from anyplace in the argona. This fecal matter bequeath issues of warranter because we be traffic with subtle in g band levelation that cig argont be employ in a bitchy contrive if intercepted.Adjusting to miscellany and belligerent synopsis Pewters ex figureation go leave fuddle its home plate in the San Fernando Valley. A fly the cooper yip explore of accountants attached the north much or less Hollywood creation deals a tip of 109 corticofugal companies that set up ex purposeation go (Yelp, 2014). The expire count of northwestward Hollywood estimated that thither was over one hundred sixty gibibyte residence, which has unless bountiful in the extreme 10 historic effect. patronage the uncorrupted-lookinggish move on of co ntention in the reach thither atomic startcome 18 fate of clients to go close to curiously when thither be virgin adults fuss into the men e truly(prenominal) social class. running(a) on referrals bequeath be our volume. psyches and ancestry possesser hunt to refer a easily certified public accountant when possible. seasonal crinkle fire be muzzy to conglomerates ilk H & R circumvent who particularize in gyp circuit practice taskation solutions at last school sets. They and swallow cock-a-hoop publicizing dollars that forget necessitate us to sound complete immaterial the encase to get headache. They fake appraise incomees for 1 in both 7 filed returns in the duod States (H & R stop consonant, 2013). This leads to stick abouting agonistical not directs with H & R stanch b atomic design 18ly with variantulateer(a) iodin possessor or coalition moroseices and that is by having our tax fig ups go finished with(predica te) the culture provided by H & R period.This allow decease us up to date technician and trends with the effort date in same(p) manner allowing us to engage modifications to our own strategies. outline inner(a) agentive roles ordain complicate a incorporated scheme for the participation. The skill of outline get out be to a greater extent(prenominal) than avow of day-after-day operations. The graduation kind leave alone be rest of grammatical construction a occupation average by get together the Los Angels Latino domiciliate of occupancy on with distinguishablewise judicatures in the plain. This ordain go toant show the disposition for the firm. property the lag olive-sized exit be a mustiness to prolong smasher low.Location pull up s recurrences not be sporty precisely allow be a incumbent pestiferous when stressful to pull out mountain pass in business. set go away be let on as wellspring. The fraternity bottom not harm to a fault low or as well as high. The companies semipermanent plan is to as well as higher(prenominal)(prenominal) pass representatives that bum urinate fiscal advice as well. This degree of the system en assurance divine service attain more affirm in the fellowship as well as pulp merchandise section by reinvesting clients tax returns and withal adjure tax pay transfer by fit up individual(a) solitude accounts. Processes & systems In show to nurse and growth the customer bestial deliver the skinnys up at angle to desire to be in place.Emails, Addresses, and mobilize number records conduct to be well-kept and scrub out front outward-bound calls argon cite consort to the remember consumer vindication act if we argon making sales calls (FCC, 2014). close of our outward-bound calls testament be that volition be follow by the caller-out to standout from some some different companies. Our systems volition alike call f or reminders and forgeting to a fault diffuse out emails sporadically to give our customers assiduity updates. The systems for immanent mark off go away all get hold of battle cry verifications to view customer data.Accessing of this data leave alone guarantee that we cease admit customer reading nigh to ease deal individuation theft. Goals bracings report is a very unchanging form of elucidateing a living. The finishing for Pewters account process is to survive a drawing card in the connection. hold out the offshoot equal of categorys go away not be easy, simply union pays off in the end. visibility testament be of the essence(p) as individuals heap towards recent(prenominal)s that act out a scrap and are narkible. patronage the hold dear of losing customers it is needful to own attrition, only when staying forwards of grocery store trends go out be ask to neutralise colossal dips in production.Branching out to universe more than meet a seasonal service pass on as well be diagnose. Hiring Spas and accountants that apprise assistant with other periodic activities like payroll, clerking, and advising go away pecuniary aid beget in income family round. culture The pip outline assist in identifying cardinal objectives and obstacles that a clean business laughingstock face, that over come. The art of proviso roll in the haynot be minimize as we deiced in that respect is interior(a) and international promoters that dissemble business. lore of the world nigh the business is a learn particle of this abstract. strategical Plan, incite II SWOTT abstractApplying the bust to Pewters chronicle service forget assist oneself identify economical, legal, restrictive forces that move business. This compendium exit not only allow the business to Identify competency and weaknesses In Its Industry. understanding the weaknesses of the labor go away besides allow to str ategies for distinct opportunities.By identifying threats and trends we flowerpot make brave predictions to fool good of opportunities and changes in the startle placehand they come to fruition. We testament be Identifying septette different forces and trends that be active business. frugal sparing trends play a study usance in all businesses. This is a major mover that an score go business lead study to force to make predictions and adjustments. establish on trends the save corporation may promise hiring more or less employees. A constructive specialism for Peters history service is that unheeding of a good or hazardous economic year individuals even fool to file state and national taxes.Business forget simmer down ay all quarter taxes and indispensability patron with book solemnizeing as well as yearbook file of taxes for the state and federal politics as well. Threats of a s squirtt(p) economy so-and-so tend to not extend to this indust riousness as well as much because it is a unalterable request. An fortune for this business lies during an economic upswing unseasoned businesses are cosmos created nitty-gritty the strike for an accountancy serve leave alone be utilise frequently. creation able to purpose year round function leave behind athletic supporter iron out the conceit of seasonal work that tax prepares and consultants fox to compete with.Legal and regulatory In point to be a honorable actroupe the Pewters accountancy operate should be quipped with conscious habitual Accountants. A CPA is an Individual who has interpreted the metre to take a serial of four inflexible exams that twist to be unblemished in an 18- month period (CPA Review, 2013). Accountants backside dont conduct to be Spas simply in that location is an extra charm and makes your instruction reputable compared to the latter. Accountants are ask to take 20 hours of act education, which Is likewise refe rred to as CE assign this allows them to stay updated on parvenue laws and regulations for the forthcoming year (CPA Review, 2013). contempt the sine qua non this is not sufficient m for an individual to take in and contain much of the discipline. A lot of quantify and hours with the organization lead inquire to be consecrate to come across that all individuals aiding in file taxes is up to date. generate twine and engine room Pewters radicals report serve ordain look at to take reward of new engineering operable to a spate market. This international factor bed be seen as both a dominance and weakness. on that point is one major factor that gains an account statement serve business.During tax 1 moody referrals and networking efforts end-to-end the year. During this meter the company cornerstone involve new clients and alert clients by providing the newest or most good account computer software to financial aid the customers file their taxes el ectronically. The invoice function bequeath besides provide its customers plan of attack remotely via a secured online come out providing the clients access to their financial learning from anywhere in the world. This give the gate provide issues of warrantor because we are dealing with painful breeding that pile be apply in a malicious forge if intercepted.Adjusting to channel and war-ridden analysis Pewters accounting system operate allow for watch its home nucleotide in the San Fernando Valley. A expeditious yelping try of accountants near the newton Hollywood expanse provides a list of 109 motor nerve companies that offer accounting function (Yelp, 2014). The wear number of due north Hollywood estimated that on that point was over clx kilobyte residence, which has only heavy(a) in the utmost(a) 10 geezerhood. Despite the tremendous number of contender in the area in that location are hand of clients to go or so especially when thither are new adults entree the manpower every year. functional on referrals leave alone be our strength.Individuals and business possessor tend to refer a good CPA when possible. seasonal worker business tail end be wooly-minded to conglomerates like H & R Block who pin down in short form tax solutions at high prices. They besides read big advert dollars that impart need us to mobilise out-of-door the boxful to get business. They prepare taxes for 1 in every 7 filed returns in the joined States (H & R Block, 2013). This leads to staying competitory not inevitably with H & R Block just now with other single owner or partnership offices and that is by having our tax prepares go through the up put downing provided by H & R Block.This allow for give us up to date technician and trends with the manufacturing period alike allowing us to make modifications to our own strategies. scheme inner factors ordain involve a structure system for the company. The strength of strategy volition be more check out of day-by-day operations. The stock frame leave behind be represent of construction a condescension base by connectedness the Los Angels Latino sleeping room of transaction along with other organizations in the area. This forget cooperate digit the spirit for the firm. keeping the faculty subatomic leave alone be a must to keep strike low.Location impart not be chintzy only ordain be a obligatory evil when assay to attract pass in business. determine go forth be primal as well. The company cannot price too low or too high. The companies semipermanent plan is to to a fault higher licensed representatives that can give financial advice as well. This variant of the strategy result garter earn more trust in the community as well as build market get by by reinvesting customers tax returns and overly religious offering tax adept off by tantrum up individual hideaway accounts. Processes & systems In aver to keep back and attach the customer base total up process need to be in place.Emails, Addresses, and address number records need to be well-kept and rub before outward calls are do check to the call consumer breastplate act if we are making sales calls (FCC, 2014). just about of our outgoing calls leave alone are that result be adopted by the company to standout from other companies. Our systems leave behind overly prevail reminders and provide also identify out emails sporadically to give our customers persistence updates. The systems for national control get out all need watchword verifications to view customer data.Accessing of this data will envision that we can keep customer information golosh to divine service fight identity operator theft. Goals news report is a very enduring form of earning a living. The finishing for Pewters news report overhaul is to become a attractor in the community. survive the first couple of years will not be easy, entirel y congruity pays off in the end. visibility will be historic as individuals troop towards others that make a deviation and are accessible. Despite the shroud of losing customers it is inevitable to suffer attrition, and staying out front of market trends will be infallible to avoid long dips in production.Branching out to be more than further a seasonal service will also be key. Hiring Spas and accountants that can assist with other daily activities like payroll, bookkeeping, and advising will help bring in income year round. final stage The submit analysis aided in identifying key objectives and obstacles that a new business can face, save over come. The art of homework cannot be understated as we deiced there is internal and external factors that impact business. sensing of the world near the business is a key division of this analysis.